Turn consumer insights into commercial opportunities.

The more you understand about your consumer, the better. 
Explore culture and changing tastes.
Predict what’s coming next. 
Identify threats and opportunities.
Uncover your own strengths and weaknesses.
Improve your focus on what consumers really want, and make products that sell.


Depth interviews

When you need to go deeper into a topic or perhaps when the topic is more sensitive e.g. eating habits, alcohol consumption.


Focus groups

When you want to have a natural and open discussion with a group of people to understand their thoughts on a product, brand, concept etc.


In-Store intercepts

Done close to the category in question and used to gain insights into why a shopper made the choice they did at point of purchase


Accompanied shops

Useful for understanding how the shopper behaves in-store and interacts with your category. The participant is interviewed as they walk around the store and again at the end of the shopping trip.


Eye tracking

Great for seeing what consumers actually focus on when standing in front of a product shelf. Helps with understanding where on the shelves products get noticed or missed, and what packaging their eyes are drawn to.


Social listening

Enables you to understand and track what consumers are saying about your brand, products, categories or topics of interest on social media. Particularly useful for the early identification of trends.



A self-contained online space that enables us to talk to a group of pre-recruited consumers to generate insights over a short or long term.


Levercliff lens (in home diaries)

To capture in the moment consumption, shopping or other life moments. Uncovers what consumers actually do, rather just what they can recall.


Hall test

A method of research testing where it is particularly important for consumers to physically interact with what is being tested (e.g., tasting a product, or seeing and opening packaging. Participants can either be invited in off the street or pre-selected).


Online quantitative research

Is used to quantify attitudes, opinions and behaviours amongst other things e.g if you want to know what percentage of the population say they would buy a new product. It is also used when you want to divide your market into distinct consumer segments.